Natural Cooling
Natural cooling has been utilized for centuries for both space conditioning, food storage and ice making. As electricity and mechanical air conditioning became artificially cheap because of massive subsidies. Architects, engineers and designers have neglected the basic principles of natural cooling for decades, but a growing awareness of the value of natural cooling offers some hope. Natural cooling can use any or all of the five basic methods for cooling: solar control, convective cooling, conductive cooling, evaporative cooling and radiant cooling These five methods of natural cooling can provide cooling and considerable comfort throughout the summer almost anywhere in the world. In most areas, the cost of natural cooling is often equal to or below the cost of mechanical cooling systems; particularly if the natural system for cooling is developed as an integral part of the building design and the heating, cooling and ventilation systems.
Natural cooling, space conditioning, air conditioning, ventilation, radiant cooling, convective cooling, evaporative cooling, night sky cooling. solar control, indirect evaporative cooling, wind catchers, qanats, downdraft cooling, cooling towers, badgir, yahkchal, swamp cooler, evaporative cooler, cool wall, thermal mass, comfort zone, wet bulb, misting, landscaping, green roof, white roof, courtyard, shading, shade screen, eaves
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Hammond, J. and D. A. Bainbridge. 1975. Solar heating and cooling guidelines for windows by Jon Hammond and David Bainbridge. Mother Earth News. Nov/Dec.
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